Record Store Day - All Ages Records

Here at TNSrecords we love the amazing place that is All Ages Records in Camden. It is a treasure trove of awesome punk rock goodies. If you haven’t been, then you should definitely check it out. You have probably heard of Record Store Day. It was dreamed up in 2007, in the US, to get people to visit their local independent record store to help keep them alive and check out their unique culture.
To spike peoples interest, record labels release exclusive vinyl and CDs with limited promotional products. This leads to massive queues outside stores to get the years exclusive releases. All Ages Records sees the event as being dreamed up by the major record labels, who print up supposedly limited editions of back catalogue titles and sell them for double the normal dealer prices. As they are a specialist shop, it means that All Ages only wants to sell punk (and related) releases so this limits their involvement with RSD. Last year they had nothing to do with it.
This year they decided to take RSD on with their own terms. They want to increase the amount of DIY punk records included in RSD and used RSD to promote DIY labels. So they approached independent punk labels and asked them to help All Ages to… SUBVERT RECORD STORE DAY! They asked the labels to submit a special limited edition of one of their vinyl releases. A cheap, home made, numbered cover version. They wanted the labels to be creative. In addition to this, they are putting on a RSD all-dayer at The Blackheart, in Camden, with as many of the participating bands playing as possible.
As you can probably guess, we loved the idea. We had to get involved.We have included two releases in All-Ages RSD. They are both from Revenge of the Psychotronic Man and limited to 25 copies. We needed to come up with some new cover designs. So Andy and Fizzy put the kettle on, brewed up, lit a match and attacked some vinyl covers. Here is some information on both releases and pictures of what resulted from their creativity. On 19 April, get down to All Ages and pick one, or both, up.
Revenge of the Psychotronic Man – Shattered Dreams Parkway 12″
Limited to 25 copies (numbered with letracet)
Coffee stain/sanded/burnt edges. It also includes a fanzine, download code and poster.
15 track album of fast punk.
“ A Searing British punk band. This is very good.” Steve Lamacq
“It’s super fast, furious, frantic and to add another couple of f’s to the party…it’s fucking fantastic! You do need to get this album right away, in fact why not get their whole back catalogue. ROTPM are without a doubt one of my favourite UK bands!” Lights Go Out
“Shattered Dreams still has absolutely all of the alcohol-soaked, adrenaline fuelled punk rock fun that made a generation of punks get pissed, talk shit and dance like idiots. Sub-fucking-lime.” One Way Ticket To Cubesville
“Gut-bursting speed punk that would make even Zeke blush. This is cracking hardcore with absolutely no adornments. They make no apologies, take no prisoners and second guess nothing… There is another dimension that shouldn’t be overlooked – they’re politically sussed. Check out ‘Red Top Bullshit’ and ‘Hobby Horse’ for an insightful view on current goings on with media manipulation and transfers of wealth… A potent expression of bile, straight from the core.” Riot 77 Magazine
Revenge of the Psychotronic Man – Ten Years Of Revenge 7″
Limited to 25 copies (hand numbered)
Hand stencilled brown paper bag sleeve.
4 track ten year anniversary 7″. Includes new recordings of classic old tracks plus Tim G and From The Cradle To The Rave remixes of newer tracks. Includes download code.
“The 10 Year Anniversary 7” EP is essential listening for everyone who’s been to see this band over the last decade. In 10 years, they’ve become part of an established punk label, played hundreds of gigs across the UK and Europe, assembled what must be thousands of human pyramids, and more recently even did a session for the Radio 1 Punk Show. That’s big stuff!
I hope Revenge of the Psychotronic Man keep going for another 10 years and more. Still getting pissed, still talking shit and still dancing like idiots. Let’s hope it never changes.” Shot In The Foot
“It is all about dabbling with yer dome of discordance and seeing what ejaculates forth – I am happy to say the sonic semen splashed here is very salty – have a gander. Good to see people tiptoeing outside safety zones and putting their todgers of tuneage into new electrified areas!” Fungalpunk
“This EP encompasses everything we love about them; the raw power, the unrelenting hard sounds, the speed you can’t sit still to. This is a punk album. Pure and simply. It’s the sound that comes into my head when I try and describe the music of the scene. Switch to side B and we have some remixes of two tracks from Shattered Dreams Parkway, “Beer For Breakfast” and “Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far”, both sound absolutely mind blowing and despite my love for the originals, I can definitely get on board with these tracks. Both Tim G and C-Rave have outdone themselves, I didn’t expect it and was more than pleasantly surprised. In fact I was fucking awed. A must have.” Brew For Breakfast