Welcome To Our New Site!

Welcome to the new TNSrecords website. We hope you like it. An update was long over due. After years of putting it off we’ve finally got around to a complete redesign. We’re really pleased with how it has turned out.
A massive shout out to Matty from Kaluna for the design and build of the site. He has done an amazing job and was a pleasure to work with. If you’re looking for someone to build a website then we would highly recommended him.
We’d also like to thank Shelley from MPRV News for putting down her interview mic and helping us sort out the SEO for the site. We might finally stop being lazy with these things!
As a welcome to the new TNS site we’re giving away a koozie to the first 50 people to spend over £20 in the webstore. Don’t worry if you miss out, you can pick one up here alongside loads of great merch.
We’re also starting a new interview series with the new website where we will be asking TNS bands 10 questions. We spoke to Bobby Funk first. You can have a read of what they had to say for themselves here.
There is loads to explore on the site. Please have a good look around and let us know what you think. Drop us a note via the contact page if you find any issues that we need to iron out!